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 ''My Party''

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Posts : 45
Join date : 2009-08-09
Age : 35
Location : UK

''My Party'' Empty
PostSubject: ''My Party''   ''My Party'' I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 6:36 pm

"My Party"

It's raining an old yellow
And it’s carving a path
So now we’re on our way

It’s taking us some journeys
While we wipe away frowns in the most crowded place
Say why you never call me man you never seem to call now that I’m OK
I’ll beat you in the end and every time you turn around here comes the coming of age

Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party

I cock and load my mergers when you question my mood
Cause you ain’t got no taste
You talking bout my baby I could flip you upside down
And I could mop this place

Say why you never sorry no you never seen my calling right in front your face
I smoke you in the end and don’t you ever turn around cause it’s that coming of age

Oh she saw my party
She saw my party

Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party


Oh she saw my party
Oh she saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
Oh she saw my party
She saw my party
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''My Party''
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