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 ''The Runner''

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Posts : 45
Join date : 2009-08-09
Age : 35
Location : UK

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PostSubject: ''The Runner''   ''The Runner'' I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 6:31 pm

"The Runner"

Hard times as we go
We know what times will change
I talked to Jesus
Jesus says I'm okay

Pushing and jumping
Jumping the mountain range
And in a railroad
Railroad from Hell to Maine

While she says she's on her own
I'll be pacing on the phone
Taking numbers, taking names

Awful sick and tired of the game
She comes from nothing
Hoping for a taste of fame
She's got a birthmark
A birthmark the shape of Maine

While she says she's on her own
I'll be pacing on the phone
Taking numbers, taking names

Awful sick and tired of the game
And it's cold and it's cold and it's cold and it's cold when you're near
Cold when you're near any bottle
And it's cold and it's cold and it's cold when you're near
Cold when you're near any bottle
And it's cold and it's cold and it's cold when you're near
Cold when you're near any bottle

Hard times as we go
We know where times will change
I talk to Jesus
Jesus everyday

Hard times as we go
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